Why Is There a Gap Between Train Tracks

Ranjeet Mart

We all must have travelled by train and we all must have seen that there is empty space between the two tracks. Which is filled with stones and pebbles. Have you ever wondered why there is empty space between the two tracks? If not, then let us tell you.

Both these tracks are mainly made of metal and we all know that metal undergoes changes with the change in temperature. That is, when the temperature increases, the metal expands or bulges and when the temperature decreases, the metal contracts. Similarly,

In hot summer days both the tracks may expand, bend or bulge which is called buckling. Similarly in cold winter days both the tracks start shrinking and this process is called thermal expansion and contraction.

If there is no empty space between the tracks, the tracks may bend when the temperature increases or may break due to excessive shrinkage when the temperature decreases. Due to which the wheels of the train may derail and an accident may occur. To avoid all this, empty space is left between the tracks

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